Business Intelligence Support for AXA

AXA Insurance is a French multinational insurance firm which provides also investment management and other financial services. They are located in Western Europe, North America, India Pacific Regio, Middle East and Africa.

In order to address Business Intelligence related requests from all AXA’s departments in an efficient way, AXA was looking for a partner able to provide Business Intelligence related services into two approaches:

Capacity sourcing on specific roles by providing capacity and expertise for three technologies: Teradata, SAS and Microsoft.

Capacity sourcing on complete project lifecycles by providing staffing, fixed terms delivery, knowledge and turnkey solution delivery in line with IT standards and policies.

Next to delivering industrialization services as BI outsourcing partner, Orange Business moved closer to the IT organization and advised AXA in terms of architecture choices and BI best practices.

We support AXA in setting up a data lake and Big Data Analytics Lab in order to streamline BI activities function of their data purpose (i.e. marketing related data feeds from the data lake whereas structured and regulatory information keeps transitioning the eDWH).

Orange Business is helping AXA to rationalize the use of BI end user applications in order to successfully address the growing deployments costs by means of standardizing recurrent reporting through SharePoint services and Microsoft BI reports.